Economic Development, Tourism and Local Enterprise Office

Fingal Agri-Food Strategy

Development Plans

Fingal County Council, through the Local Enterprise Office Fingal, is delivering a wide range of financial and non-financial supports to agri-food companies in the county. The Agri-Food Strategy for Fingal builds upon this work and sets out a common framework that will foster innovation and collaboration across the sectors, increasing value added, leading to further jobs creation in the agri-food sector and maximizing the potential of the agri-food base in the county. Fingal County Council developed the strategy with the input of a steering group of local sectoral experts.


To enhance the Fingal Agri-Food sector as innovative, adaptive & globally competitive, through innovative clustering and collaboration models. To harness existing strengths, scale & leadership for the good of the Fingal food industry.

The Fingal Agri-Food Strategy will focus on six key areas:

  1. Fostering collaboration and clustering among stakeholders
  2. Enhancing innovation
  3. Improving business management performance;
  4. Supporting the attraction and retention of food talent into Fingal
  5. Creating a Fingal food and drink Tourism destination
  6. Examining the feasibility of developing an Agri-Food hub


Fingal Co Co Agri Food Strategy A4 Web

Sowing the Seeds of the Fingal Agri-Food Sector 17.10.18