Broadmeadow Greenway

Broadmeadow Greenway

Broadmeadow Way

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Work is underway on the €30m Broadmeadow Greenway (shared footpath and cycleway) which will link Malahide and Donabate across the Broadmeadow Estuary.

The Broadmeadow Greenway will connect Malahide Demesne and Newbridge Demesne and form part of the Fingal Coastal Way, which will run all the way from Sutton to Balbriggan. This route is a key component of NTA’s Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network.  

The greenway will be constructed over several years. The outline programme, which is subject to change, is as follows: 

Detailed design works: 2022-2025

Advance works contracts including fencing and utilities: 2022-2024

Land acquisition, legal issues, foreshore consent 2022-2024

Procurement of main work contracts: 2023-2025

Main Works: 2024-2026.

timeline graphic broadmeadow february 2024 update

Timeline for delivery

Works programme graphic

Programme of Works

Works will be completed in four phases shown here.

The railway line over the Broadmeadow Estuary, Malahide

Broadmeadow Estuary

Newbridge Hero

Donabate (North shore to Newbridge Demesne)

More information coming soon

Malahide Village

Malahide (Malahide Demesne to Bisset’s Strand)

More information coming soon

Man in orange jacket stands on site with waterside and train in background

Broadmeadow Way Irish Times Feature

In August 2023, Olivia Kelly of the Irish Times visited Broadmeadow with the Fingal County Council team to see the work in progress. Click here to read the article and watch the accompanying video.