Age Friendly Fingal

The Fingal Age Friendly programme is delivered across a three-tiered structure that includes 

The Older Peoples Council – The representative voice of the Older people. 

Age Friendly Alliance -  The Multi-Agency forum with  from HSE, An Garda Síochana, Local link transport, Local representatives, education sector DCU, DDTLEB, TUD, Senior Fingal County Council Snr Mgt.  

The Fingal Inter-departmental team- made up of Department representatives from across the organisation including, Housing, Operations, Libraries, Comms, Active Travel, Planning, Architects, Community and Economic Development.

Fingal OPC Meeting

Age Friendly Fingal Programme

Fingal’s Age Friendly programme supports citizens in Fingal to prepare for ageing by paying increased attention to the environmental, economic and social factors that influence the health and well-being of older adults.

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Fingal’s Older People’s Council

Fingal’s Older People’s Council (FOPC) represents the voice of older people throughout Fingal. It is a key part of the structure of the Fingal’s Age Friendly Programme. 

Fingal Older People's Conference

Fingal’s OPC Annual conference

On the 26th May 2023 – Fingal’s Older Peoples Council hosted their annual OPC conference. 134 older people, who represent the voice of the older people from many older adult groups from across the county, were in attendance on the day.

vintage picnic

Vintage Picnic 2023

Fingal Age Friendly was delighted host the Vintage Picnic, Arts Creativity, and Music Festival for over 55's in the beautiful venue of Swords Castle on 27th of July 2023.  

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Age Friendly Upcoming Events

Find out more about Age Friendly Initiatives, Publications and Upcoming Events.


Tastes like nostalgia

Memory Makers Tastes Like Nostalgia

View this collection of memorable recipes

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