Keep Well - Keeping Active

Keep Well Keep Active

To stay get health and stay healthy we all need to keep active and keep moving. You can get active from the comfort of your own home or go for a local walk. Take a look at some local opportunities to get off the couch and get active.

Parkfit Meakstown

Parkfit Sessions

Fingal ParkFit registration is now open. Each venue is limited to 50 participants. The 4 week pilot programme starts on the 30th August. Lanesborough Park, Meakstown, Martello Tower, Balbriggan, Tyrrelstown Park, Dublin 15, Millennium Park, Dublin 15 


Tyrellstown Football Acadamy

Tyrrelstown F.C. football Academy

New football Academy starts on Sunday 12th of September at 10 a.m. in Tyrrelstown All Weather Pitch. Girls and Boys aged between 6 and 12 are welcome to come along, whether you have played before does not matter, all are welcome. Fill in the form If you are interested in coaching or helping out, volunteers are also needed.  Please contact FAI Development Officer Jamie Wilson [email protected]   


Emergency Skills Training

Emergency Skills Training

Fingal County Council are offering Emergency Skills Training to coaches in sports clubs to deal with minor injuries in a quick and safe way. If your club would like to host an EST session please get in touch with Nicole at [email protected] .


Men on the Move

Men on the Move

Fingal Sports Partnership are looking for men in the Mulhuddart area to participate in the 12 week Men on the Move programme. Men on the Move is a free, twelve-week community-based beginners physical activity programme for inactive adult men.


Bike Week 2021

Bike Week 2021

Bike Week 2021 will kick off on Sunday September 12th and end on Saturday September 18th. Fingal County Council are delighted to announce an exciting programme of events taking place across Fingal including an Adult's Cycling Workshop, Bike Safety Checks and a Cycling Safety Course for Kids.  


Marathon for Kids

Marathonkids Ireland 2021 programme

Registration for the Marathonkids Ireland 2021 programme is open! Marathon Kids is an 8 week running programme targeting 5th and 6th class students in Fingal and Dublin City. Students take part in 4 running sessions per week, for 8 weeks.


cycling without age

Cycling Without Age

Cycling Without Age is coming to Fingal & they're looking for Volunteer Pilots. If you're interested in getting some exercise, meeting some new people & making a difference in your community please fill out your details at the link here

Hse Pilates

HSE Free Pilates

HSE Free Pilates for beginner's classes. The classes are available for free on the HSE Health and Wellbeing YouTube channel.


Healthy Fingal

Healthy Fingal

An information hub for all sports programmes and an online learning resource and coaching tool for all our activities in Fingal Sports Office.

Homefit May 2021

HomeFit Live Sessions

These classes include Body Mind Movement, Full Body Workout and Chair Exercise, Yoga and Abs Classes and available on the site

Fit For Fun in Fingal

Fit for Fun in Fingal

Check out our fantastic Fit for Fun in Fingal magazine. Lots of great tips and ideas on how to stay active and healthy and a chance to win a wonderful family prize


SportsCon 10@10

A free online programme to keep kids active while in the classroom designed by Fingal County Council Sports Office. 

older adults

Older Adults Home Exercises

A 4-week plan aimed at trying to reach the minimum of 30 minutes of daily physical activity

Fingal Digifit

Fingal Sports Digifit Series

This programme is made up of 20 home training sessions to help you stay active while at home.

Active Travel

Fingal Greenways

Fingal County Council has an exciting programme of greenway infrastructure 

Howth Cliff Walk v

Fingal Coastal Walks

Fingal has 88km of coastline from Sutton to Balbriggan, how much of it have you walked?

Balbriggan Bandstand Playground

Outdoor Fun

There are several public playgrounds, skate parks and multi use games areas in Fingal.

Corduff Community Centre

Community Centres

There are a large number of Community Facilities throughout Fingal;


Fingal Allotments

Fingal County Council manages approximately 900 allotments at four different sites throughout the County. 

age and opportunity fitline


Callers to FitLine can find out about clubs, groups, and facilities in their area, and get lots of ideas about how they can do simple physical activities within their day-to-day routine to suit their lifestyle.

Pop Up Velodrome Event

Pop Up Velodrome Event

As part of Be Active Night there will be a Pop Up Velodrome Event in Flemington Community Centre, Balbriggan on Saturday 24th of September from 4pm-7pm. The event is free, but due to Covid restrictions on indoor activities, booking a time slot is essential. Book your slot through the link.

Kickfit Women's Football

Kickfit Women's Football

Kickfit Women's Football programme is taking place at Porterstown Park, Castleknock on Saturday mornings, from 9.30am - 10.30am. All abilities are welcome. Come along and register on the morning.

European Week of Sports

European Week of Sports

European Week of Sports will take place from the 23rd - 30th September. Throughout the week in Fingal and across Ireland there will be lots of different events taking place. 

Parks Tennis Autumn

Parks Tennis Autumn

Parks Tennis Autumn have launched their new programme. There are a range of 8 week tennis coaching sessions taking place for 6–17-year-olds across Fingal and Dublin.