National Tree Week in Fingal 2025

National Tree Week will take place from 9-16th March 2025 and Fingal County Council has a number of initiatives planned to celebrate this including plans to distribute 10,000 trees to residents for planting across the county, as well as hosting a number of community planting events and workshops.
This year we are providing a wider range of tree species in our give away including native and non- native trees. This will not only help increase the species diversity across Fingal, supporting our efforts to climate proof our tree population but also help with applying the principle of the 'right tree in the right place', particularly when planting in challenging urban locations. Native species include Pine, Goat Willow, Hawthorn, Wild Cherry, Crab apple, Hazel, Alder and Birch (70% of giveaway); Non-Native species include Walnut, Beech, Hornbeam, Larch, Red oak and Scarlet Willow (30% of giveaway).
Tree Giveaways will take place from 10am to 1pm on Wednesday 12th and/or Saturday 15th of March at the following venues: St Catherine’s Park, Millennium Park, Argillan Demesne, Malahide Demesne, Velvet strand beach, Portmarnock, Newbridge Demesne and Ward River Valley.
There is a limit of two per household and to reduce use of plastic please bring your own bag. A number of community tree planting events will also be taking place and to view community planting events being organised in your area please visit
The council will also be running a promotional campaign on Social Media throughout the week explaining the benefits of trees so be sure to follow our Social media channels for updates.
Kevin Halpenny, Fingal County Council’s Senior Parks and Landscape Officer commented: “With the growing impact of Climate change, planting trees, and particularly the right trees has become even more vital. Fingal Parks and Green infrastructure are progressing the actions outlined in the Forest of Fingal Tree Strategy to increase tree canopy cover and improve biodiversity and climate resilience. We are encouraging people, through planting in their own gardens, and at community planting events to add to the level of tree cover and diversity of tree species throughout the county.”
Fingal has around 2,000 hectares of public open space, of which a large proportion are heritage landscapes, defined in many respects by woodlands and trees. We want to help ensure that everybody across the county can enjoy what we have on our doorstep for future generations, and that households can also benefit from the joy of beautiful trees in their own backyard and do their bit for the environment as well.
Full details of Free Tree Giveaways 2025
Baile Brigín | Balbriggan
Dé Céadaoin 12 & Dé Sathairn 15 Márta 10am - 1pm
Wed 12th & Sat 15th March 10am-1pm
Ionad bailithe: DIMÉIN ARD GIOLLÁIN, Carrchlós Uachtarach.
Collection point: Ardgillan Demesne, upper car park.
Sord/ Domhnach Bat | Swords/ Donabate
Dé Céadaoin 12 & Dé Sathairn 15 Márta 10am - 1pm
Wed 12th & Sat 15th March 10am-1pm
Ionad bailithe Sord : GLEANN ABHAINN AN BHARRDA, Carrchlós nua Gleann abhainn an bharda
Ionad bailithe Domhnach Bat : DIMÉIN AN DROICHID NUA, Príomh Charrchlós.
Collection point Swords: Ward River Valley, New car park River valley.
Collection point Donabate: Newbridge Demense car park.
Beann Éadair/ Mullach Íde | Howth/Malahide
Dé Céadaoin 12 & Dé Sathairn 15 Márta 10am - 1pm
Wed 12th & Sat 15th March 10am-1pm
Ionad bailithe Port Mearnóg : An Trá Mhín, Port Mearnóg, Charrchlós.
Ionad bailithe Mullach Íde: DIMÉIN MHULLACH ÍDE, Carrchlós an Chúlbhóthair.
Collection point Portmarnock: Velvet strand beach, Portmarnock car park.
Collection point Malahide: Malahide Demesne, back rd. car park.
Caisléan Cnucha/ Mullach Eadrad | Castleknock/Mulhuddart
Dé Céadaoin 12 & Dé Sathairn 15 Márta 10am - 1pm
Wed 12th & Sat 15th March 10am-1pm
Ionad bailithe Caisléan Cnucha agus Mullach Eadrad:
PHÁIRC NA MÍLAOISE, Príomh Charrchlós nó PÁIRC SAN CAITRÍONA, Príomh Charrchlós.
Collection point for Castleknock and Mulhuddart: Millenium park car park or St. Catherines park car park.
Please consider which type of tree is suitable for your garden and to reduce use of plastic citizens are asked to bring their own bag.
See for full details and updates.
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instagram: fingalcountycouncil
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