ANCA commences assessment of aircraft noise at Dublin Airport
An application to alter planning conditions associated with operating restrictions at Dublin Airport has been made by the airport authority to Fingal County Council’s Planning Department. In fulfilling its statutory remit, ANCA is now commencing an assessment of the noise situation at Dublin Airport.

ANCA is responsible for ensuring that noise generated by aircraft activity at Dublin Airport is assessed in accordance with EU and Irish legislation. The 2019 Act provides for ANCA to monitor compliance with noise mitigating measures and operating restrictions at Dublin Airport.
An application to alter planning conditions associated with operating restrictions at Dublin Airport has been made by the airport authority to Fingal County Council’s Planning Department.
In fulfilling its statutory remit, ANCA is now commencing an assessment of the noise situation at Dublin Airport. ANCA has access to specialist national and international expertise in aviation, acoustics, environment, and planning, in the performance of its duties.
Where a noise problem or potential noise problem at the airport is identified, ANCA will ensure that the ICAO Balanced Approach to Aircraft Noise Management is adopted. Earlier this year, ANCA published a report on the noise management systems and practices currently in place at Dublin Airport. Click here to view the report.
Consideration for the need for a noise abatement objective will take place within the process of an overall assessment of the aircraft noise environment at the airport.
Where a noise abatement objective is required at the Airport, ANCA’s remit is further extended to include a review of the effectiveness of the noise mitigation measures and operating restrictions (if any) on achieving the noise abatement objective.
As part of its assessment, ANCA will hold a 14-week public consultation after publishing the draft regulatory decision. All feedback provided will be considered by ANCA prior to the adoption of a final regulatory decision. Further information on the public consultation will be announced on this website and in media outlets following the initial stage of ANCA’s assessment process.
A final regulatory decision, once made, will be issued to the planning authority and will inform its decision with respect to the outcome of the planning process.
The 2019 Act facilitates access to appeal to An Bord Pleanála.
Application Ref: F20A/0668 has been referred to the Aircraft Noise Competent Authority.
Proposal Description
A proposed development comprising the taking of a ‘relevant action’ only within the meaning of Section 34C of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, at Dublin Airport, Co. Dublin.
The proposed relevant action relates to the night-time use of the runway system at Dublin Airport. It involves the amendment of the operating restriction set out in condition no. 3(d) and the replacement of the operating restriction in condition no. 5 of the North Runway Planning Permission (Fingal County Council Reg. Ref. No. F04A/1755; ABP Ref. No. PL06F.217429 as amended by Fingal County Council F19A/0023, ABP Ref. No. ABP-305289-19), as well as proposing new noise mitigation measures.
The planning file can be viewed at this link.
You can view the applications referred to ANCA by the planning authority at this link.