Applications from primary schools to host weather stations closes on Friday, 10 September

Primary schools across Fingal County Council’s seven Local Electoral Areas have until Friday, 10 September, to express an interest in hosting one of the automatic weather stations that are being rolled out across the county.

Schools interested in having a weather station installed should email [email protected] before Friday, 10 September.


The installation of an automatic weather station will provide schools with an opportunity to help with the collection of important weather information. The information collected from the weather stations will be visible on Met Éireann’s Weather Observations Website, WOW-IE, and will provide real-time weather data. This information is crucial in helping meteorologists produce accurate weather forecasts and will provide a record of weather conditions that Met Éireann’s climate scientists can use to monitor changes in the climate in Ireland.


Speaking about the project, the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Seána O’Rodaigh said: “This is a great initiative as it allows children to further their knowledge of the key challenges faced by society today, whilst also helping to produce more detailed rainfall records for the county. The information gathered is essential in helping Met Éireann monitor rainfall records for the county, produce accurate weather forecasts and monitor changes in the climate. I would really encourage primary schools to get involved.”


Fingal County Council Executive Engineer, Kevin Vallely, said: “We want schools across the county to get involved with this initiative and help with the collection of important weather information. This initiative has great educational potential as children will learn how these measurements are used for monitoring key issues such as climate change and flooding. The information is extremely useful to the OPW, Met Éireann and Fingal’s flood sections. Schools interested should send an email to [email protected] before Friday, 10 September.”


This is the second phase of The Weather Stations for Schools project, following the successful rain gauge launch in June 2021. The then Deputy Mayor, Cllr Robert O’Donoghue, launched the initiative in Rush and Lusk Educate Together National School when he presented Third Class with the first rain gauge. The Council is currently distributing rain gauges to 100 primary schools across the county in time for the new school year.


The Weather Stations for Schools project is being supported by the Chief Executive’s Innovation Fund which was set up earlier this year by the Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly.


“The Innovation Fund facilitates staff submitting innovative ideas that can bring greater value to the Council, support new ways of working and create a positive impact for public services. It was launched in January and there were 14 applications from which four projects were subsequently chosen to be funded this year. This is the first of the four projects to be launched and, as well as providing valuable information, the data collection process by teachers and pupils will help to promote an appreciate of the water cycle and climate change challenges faced by the community,” said Ms Farrelly.

Kevin Vallely holding weather station