Brake for Road Safety Week in Fingal

Irish Road Safety Week is an initiative of the Road Safety Authority (RSA). Fingal County Council’s Road Safety Officer and Active Travel team are joining forces with the RSA to assist them in promoting important messages throughout the week. of fingal cllr seána -o rodaigh with chief executive active travel team and school traffic-wardens.

Irish Road Safety Week (IRSW) launches today, Monday 04 October and runs until Sunday, 10 October 2021. Irish Road Safety Week is an initiative of the Road Safety Authority (RSA). Fingal County Council’s Road Safety Officer and Active Travel team are joining forces with the RSA to assist them in promoting important messages throughout the week.


Road Safety is an issue which impacts everyone regardless of how you travel. From professional drivers who spend all day at the wheel to children who travel as passengers, there are actions we can all take to improve our own safety and the safety of others.


Throughout Irish Road Safety Week Fingal County Council will be drawing the public’s attention to resources that highlight key safety issues and help reduce risk of accident, injury and loss of life. With free Car Seat Safety checks, school education events and helpful video guides to tyre safety, winter readiness and bike safety tips there is something that every road user can avail of.

Crossing into road safety led by Mayor Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh at St Patrick's SNS Skerries

Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh, was on hand today with some of her pupils, Principal Michelle Keane and School Warden Colm Daly, at St. Patrick’s Senior National Catholic School in Skerries, to remind everyone of the importance of Irish Road Safety Week. ‘Something we teach the children about daily is the importance of kindness to others. One of the best ways you can show kindness to those around you is to drive safely on the road. It takes just a small effort to be mindful of your speed and follow the rules of the road, but that small effort ensures the happiness and safety of many. This is how we keep our community and our loved ones safe.’


Director of Services for Environment, Climate Action and Active Travel, David Storey, says respectful road use is key to enjoying life in our towns and villages. ‘Reducing speed is vital. Cycling has grown massively in popularity in recent years and cyclists are using their bikes to get to work, travel to school and take local journeys. They should be able to do so safely. Fingal County Council’s Active Travel team is working to create safe cycling infrastructure and improve permeability to support this growth, but responsible driving will always be key to people feeling safe on the road. Please play your part by reducing your speed, and never drive when tired or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.’


The RSA say Irish roads are safer than they have ever been but there is no room for complacency. One simple action every driver can take it to check their tyres. RSA research tells us that on average in 14 deaths each year, tyres were a contributory factor in fatal crashes. Worn tyres can cause you to lose grip of the road and lose control. Tyres must have a minimum tread depth of 1.6mm, be properly inflated and free from defects. Follow RSA advice when choosing tyres for your vehicle and regularly check pressure and wheel alignment.


Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly, reminds us that there are resources in place to help us stay safe on the road. ‘The RSA provide services like ‘Check It Fits’ to help you safely fit child car seats. Worryingly, as many as 4 out of 5 child car seats are incorrectly fitted, which can result in serious injury or a fatality in the event of a collision. Check It Fits is now offering virtual appointments for parents, grandparents or anyone travelling with children in the car, so that you can be certain your seat is at its safest.’

Look out for Road Safety messages being shared across Irish Road Safety Week on Fingal County Council’s website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and see for more on all current Road Safety campaigns from the RSA.

Mayor of Fingal Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh with School traffic wardens in Skerries