Cascades Repair and Fish Bypass Channel works in Ward River Regional Park set to commence.

Cascades Ward River Regional Park

Works are set to commence in the Ushers Lake Area of Ward River Regional Park on Monday 1st July. The works aim to create a bypass channel of The Ward River that will allow for the passage of migratory fish species to those parts of the river upstream of Ushers lake. Works will also involve repairing the iconic “Cascades” feature and a related range of historical structures in the park.

The works will require temporary path closures and diversions will be in place. Entering a works area creates a significant hazard to persons, other park users and the contractor as well as causing delays to the works programme.  It is essential that all park users respect and do not interfere with the boundary fencing erected by the contractor. It is anticipated that this complicated phase of works will take approximately six months to complete.

The works are part of the ongoing Ward River Regional Park Development and Ward River Restoration Projects. The Ward River Regional Park Development Project aims to create a vastly enhanced Ward River Regional Park covering an area of 80-hectares (200 Acres) between Swords town centre and Knocksedan Bridge. Fingal County Council believes that delivery of the Regional Park Project will help meet the demands of a growing population in the county town as well as providing an appealing destination for visitors to Swords.

The Ward River Restoration Project will implement a series of measures which aim to enhance outdoor recreation, biodiversity, water quality and the visual amenity along the Ward River in Swords between Knocksedan Bridge and the confluence with the Broadmeadow River, a distance of 4.5KM.