Enhancement of digital technologies infrastructure throughout Fingal branch library network

The enhancement of Fingal Libraries digital technologies infrastructure was launched by the Mayor of Fingal Cllr. Eoghan O'Brien at Malahide Library on Monday November 25th  in the company of Fingal Chief Executive AnnMarie Farrelly, Fingal Director of Housing & Community Margaret Geraghty and County Librarian Betty Boardman.

Fingal libraries – enhancement of digital technologies

The enhancement of Fingal Libraries digital technologies infrastructure was launched by the Mayor of Fingal Cllr. Eoghan O'Brien at Malahide library on Monday November 25th  in the company of Fingal Chief Executive AnnMarie Farrelly, Fingal Director of Housing & Community, Margaret Geraghty and County Librarian Betty Boardman.

Fingal libraries has launched this enhancement to its digital technologies infrastructure on foot of an investment by Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring TD.  This will result in enhanced library spaces and services for the public.  Fingal County Council’s contribution to the funding demonstrates commitment to and belief in public libraries as centres of learning and engagement in the community.

The creation of new meeting spaces, the installation of Tablet lending devices and Magic Table software will attract existing and new users of all ages to library service points and form part of an initial phase of the rolling out of new ICT facilities and services.

Speaking at the launch Mayor of Fingal Cllr. Eoghan O’Brien said: “It is a pleasure to be here today to launch the new innovative ICT technologies at Fingal Libraries. This will enable libraries to remain at the forefront of advances in technology thereby benefiting Fingal citizens”

Director of Housing and Community, Margaret Geraghty welcomed this enhancement to Fingal libraries digital technologies infrastructure saying:  “I would like to reiterate the importance and huge popularity of the library service in the community and these new digital services are part of the ongoing enhancement of our range of services.”

County Librarian Betty Boardman, said: “This funding has come at a very good time for Fingal Libraries as it will assist us in achieving two of the main objectives in our Development Plan published earlier this year – to continue to provide high quality, welcoming, accessible spaces which meet the needs of library users and to reinforce the position of libraries in the community as key points of access to information technology and digital services.”

The new services launched include the Magic Table installed at Rush and Malahide libraries.  The Magic Table equipment consists of a projector that displays pre-loaded interactive games / images on to any surface below. These interactive games have been specifically designed for people with mid to late stage dementia and children with sensory issues. 

New Meeting Pods with charging points have been installed at Blanchardstown, Malahide and Balbriggan libraries.  These Meeting Pods are particularly useful for students or SMEs working on collaborative projects whether or not requiring access to wifi. 

The Hublet tablet lending device has been installed at Baldoyle, Rush, Howth, Garristown and Donabate libraries.  These hand held tablets allow access to apps for children and adults and can be used to print documents at the self-service photocopiers at these libraries.

For more information, please contact your local library branch, or visit Fingal Libraries website: fingal.ie/libraries/