Fingal County Council’s Women’s Caucus stand with the women of Afghanistan

The female Councillors that make up Fingal County Council’s Women’s Caucus are standing with the women of Afghanistan after the Taliban has returned to power in Kabul resulting in fear and upset across the country.

Over the past few days women across the world have watched in fear as Afghan women have been violently removed from their jobs, forced inside and had their freedom threatened. Reports have said that women are afraid to go outside or speak as the crackdown on their freedom begins.


When the Taliban last ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, women weren’t allowed to work or attend school, they had to always be accompanied by a male relative outside the home and they had to constantly cover their faces. Women who went against the Taliban in this timeframe suffered humiliation and public beatings.


The Taliban have promised to respect women’s rights within the limits of Islam, but many remain concerned and frightened. The underpinning of their ideology and social structure is a strict interpretation of and adherence to 7th Century Islamic Law.

The uncertainty is causing many to fear and expect the worst for the freedom of Afghan women. Reports have already surfaced of Afghan women being forced to marry fighters and being publicly flogged.


The Chairperson of the Women’s Caucus, Councillor Karen Power, said: “We are deeply worried about Afghan women and girls, their rights to education, work and freedom of movement. There is a lot of uncertainty on how the situation is going to evolve, however, women have the most at stake with the removal of democratic government processes. We stand with our sisters in Afghanistan, who, like all Afghan people, deserve to live safely and with dignity.


“The only difference between us, is that we can live safely and to our full potential because of the lottery of birth. The Caucus condemns and abhors all attacks and human rights abuses, especially those targeted at women and girls. In the week in which we mark International Humanitarian Day, and among human rights persecution worldwide, we remember the persecution of Saudi Female Rights Activist Loujain Alhathloul. As a caucus, we are encouraging people within Fingal to support humanitarian causes and the maintenance of fundamental human rights and dignity in whatever way they can,” said Cllr Power.


“While news cycles tend to move on, the Caucus will not be forgetting the women and girls of Afghanistan and will continue to keep a focus on the country. The world is watching, and the Women’s Caucus encourages everyone to spread awareness, start conversations and donate when you can,” concluded Cllr Power. 


For further information contact Cllr Karen Power, Chairperson, Fingal County Council Women’s Caucus.  Mobile: 089 965 4529. Email: [email protected]


Womens Caucus