Irish Water and Fingal County Council complete essential works safeguarding the water supply in Balbriggan

Water taps

Irish Water and Fingal County Council have completed essential works safeguarding the water supply to homes and businesses in Balbriggan. A new water main from Jordanstown to Balbriggan has been connected and is now operational. There are no further planned restrictions in Balbriggan over the Easter weekend and customers will benefit from a more secure supply as a result of these works.

Irish Water and Fingal County Council would like to thank customers for their patience while this work was carried out. If customers have any queries regarding their water supply they can contact the Irish Water customer care helpline, which operates 24/7, contact can be made my phone on 1850 278 278 and on Twitter @IWCare.

 Irish Water is working at this time, with our local authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of drinking water and wastewater services.


For media queries please contact Annabel FitzGerald, Regional Communications Lead 087 990 6049 or [email protected]