Launch of the Community Recognition Fund Book Gifting Programme from Fingal Libraries

Fingal Libraries has announced a book gifting programme to local schools as part of the Community Recognition Fund.

Book gifting programme Mayor Betty Boardman 2

Fingal Libraries has announced a book gifting programme to local schools as part of the Community Recognition Fund. The Community Recognition Fund is a major initiative from the Department of Rural and Community Development, designed to specifically support communities across the country that are hosting people from Ukraine and other countries.

Blanchardstown Library has used this funding to purchase special sets of books for each school in the Dublin 15 area. This will result in every child having access to books in their school library. Book gifting programmes are also taking place in Swords and Baleskin.

The book gifting programme was launched by the Mayor of Fingal Cllr. Adrian Henchy at Blanchardstown Library this morning. The Mayor was joined by County Librarian Betty Boardman and children’s author Alan Nolan along with children and teachers from St Francis Xavier School, Roselawn.

Book gifting programme group

Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. Adrian Henchy said: “I am delighted that Fingal Libraries will be gifting books to schools in Dublin 15, Swords and Baleskin as part of the Community Recognition Fund. This is a great way to recognise the huge contribution being made by communities in Fingal in welcoming and hosting people from Ukraine and other countries who are seeking protection and safety”.

County Librarian Betty Boardman said: “The gifting of books to schools in Dublin 15 is a wonderful recognition of the community effort to welcome people from Ukraine and elsewhere seeking international protection. I am delighted that the Community Recognition Fund is being used by Fingal Libraries to help foster literacy skills and a love of reading among the local school children.”

Book gifting programme Alan Nolan
Book gifting programme Mayor Betty Boardman