LEADER Rural Development Programme 2023 - 2027


Following the outcome of the Local Development Strategy (LDS) selection process, Heather Humphrey’s TD, Minister for Rural and Community Development and Minister for Social Protection signed the LEADER Funding Agreement for the implementation of the 2023-2027 programme in the Dublin sub-regional area on 26th January 2024.

Dublin Rural LEADER’s implementing partner Fingal Leader Partnership CLG and Fingal County Council as the Lead Financial Partner, is approved to deliver the 2023 – 2027 LEADER programme in the sub-regional area of Dublin Rural which includes rural areas in Fingal, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown and South Dublin.

Dublin Rural LEADER was allocated €4.7 Million to invest in the development of the area through economic, social, and environmental initiatives.  The LEADER programme uses a community led approach, empowering local rural communities to be involved in finding innovative solutions to address local needs.

How does Dublin Rural LEADER work?


Dublin Rural Leader

Dublin Rural LEADER provides funding to enterprises and community groups throughout the rural areas of Fingal, South Dublin County and Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown for projects that are selected by the Local Action Group (LAG). The Dublin LAG consists of local representatives across the three local authority areas from both the public and private sector. Dublin Local Action Group has the overall responsibility for the delivery of the Dublin Rural LEADER programme.

Fingal LEADER Partnership CLG are the Implementing Partner and first point of contact for information and enquiries about the programme and Fingal County Council is the Financial Partner.

Who can avail of the LEADER Programme?

The Dublin Rural LEADER programme provides funding for projects across rural Dublin that promote social inclusion, develop the local economy through enterprise and tourism, and protect the environment.

It supports locally identified initiatives (at local or sub-regional level) that seek to address locally identified needs and challenges.

Applicants must be located in the Rural Dublin area, and can include individuals, rural businesses, farmers or farm families, community & voluntary groups, social enterprises or cooperative societies.

Please find the eligible funding areas here: Dublin Rural LEADER Funding Areas - Dublin Rural Leader

How can I apply?

Please visit the Dublin Rural Leader website for more information: Home - Dublin Rural Leader

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