Nine for Fingal at the Irish Landscape Institute Awards

Fingal County Council won nine awards in five categories at the recent Irish Landscape Institute Awards 2022 including the President’s Award for the Howth Head Goat Grazing Project.

Mayor of Fingal Cllr Howard Mahony, alongside Kevin Halpenny, Senior Parks Superintendent, and Fingal County Council's  Nine Award Winning Teams at the Irish Landscape Institute Awards.

Fingal County Council won nine awards in five categories at the recent Irish Landscape Institute Awards 2022 including the President’s Award for the Howth Head Goat Grazing Project.

Five of the Fingal projects won Best in Section awards while two were highly commended and one was commended under the five categories of Heritage Landscape, PlaySpace, Landscape Planning, Landscape Theory/Policy & Management and Landscape Policies and Initiatives.

The nine award winning projects were: Ardgillan Glasshouse Restoration (Commended), Shackleton Gardens (Best in Section), Skerries Town Park Playground (Best in Section), Bremore Regional Park (Highly commended), Lanesborough Park (Best in Section), Fingal Tree Strategy (Highly commended), Fingal Play Policy (Best in Section), and Howth Head Goat Grazing Project (Best in Section and President’s Award).

Hans Visser  on Howth Hill, holding the President's Award from the Irish Landscape Institute Awards, flanked by Bernadette O'Connell, President of the Irish Landscape Institute and Goat Herder, Melissa Jeuken.

In selecting the Howth Head Goat Grazing Project for the highly prestigious President’s Award for the Landscape Policies & Initiatives category, the judges said: “High-impact, interesting and valuable project, astutely posing professional evolution ongoing in our changing world.”

The Mayor of Fingal, Councillor Howard Mahony said: “I would like to congratulate Fingal County Council on having nine winners in the Irish Landscape Institute Awards 2022, particularly the President’s Award for the ‘Howth Head Goat Grazing Project’. These projects are making an invaluable contribution towards further enhancing public amenities throughout the county. It is a testament to the commitment, dedication and hard work Council staff are doing to enhance Fingal for the benefit of all the community. I believe the number and range of awards received reflects very positively on the work of the Council.”

The Mayor of Fingal Cllr Howard Mahony along with Senior Parks Superintendent, Kevin Halpenny, Fingal County Council’s Biodiversity Officer Hans Visser, ( holding the President's Award for the Howth Head Goat Grazing Project ) ,and Deirdre O' Farrell, Assistant Parks and Landscape Officer holding the Best in Section under the Landscape Policies & Initiatives Category, also for the Howth Head Goat Grazing Project .

The Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly commented: “We in Fingal County Council really value the work done by our Parks & Green Infrastructure Division and they are very worthy winners of nine Irish Landscape Institute Awards. This is wonderful news and reflects the considerable energy and work across a number of departments within the Council. It is a great honour to receive these accolades in recognition of our efforts, and to get nine winners is a tremendous achievement and great credit must go to all the staff who were involved in the various projects”.

The Irish Landscape Institute Awards cover 16 different categories of landscape related work or disciplines and are held every two years with projects being evaluated by an international jury of nine experts. The awards give recognition to exemplary landscape projects by Irish Landscape Institute (ILI) members in the Republic of Ireland and Landscape Institute members from Northern Ireland (LINI) across a range of categories.

Fingal County Council’s Awards at Irish Landscape Institute Awards 2022



Award Received


Ardgillan Glasshouse Restoration



Shackleton Gardens

Best in Section


Skerries Town Park Playground

Best In Section


Bremore Regional Park

Highly Commended


Lanesborough Park

Best In Section


Fingal Tree Strategy

Highly Commended


Fingal Play Policy

Best In Section


Howth Head Goat Grazing Project

Best In Section


Howth Head Goat Grazing Project

Best In Section


 Kevin Halpenny, Senior Parks Superintendent, and Fingal County Council's  Nine Award Winning Teams at the Irish Landscape Institute Awards.
Collage of Images from the ILI Awards 2022