Rush to benefit from new Streetscape Enhancement funding

Fingal County Council has been awarded €100,000 in funding by the Department of Rural and Community Development under the new Town and Village Streetscape Enhancement Scheme 2022 for funding projects in Rush and is now seeking expressions of interest.

Rush Library main

Fingal County Council has been awarded €100,000 in funding by the Department of Rural and Community Development under the new Town and Village Streetscape Enhancement Scheme 2022 for streetscape improvement projects in Rush. This scheme provides €2.6m million nationally as part of Our Rural Future, a five-year strategy to revitalise rural Ireland and make our rural towns and villages more vibrant and attractive places to live, work and visit.

The funding will support the upgrade of shopfronts and building facades and the enhancement of streets and open space in Rush through painting, signage replacement/removal, installation of canopies, murals, lighting and planting.

Fingal County Council is seeking expressions of interest from businesses, residents and community groups in Rush for enhancement works in designated areas. Further details on the Scheme and how to apply online can be accessed here: Terms and Conditions  Expression of Interest Form

Welcoming the announcement of the new funding from the Department of Rural and Community Development, the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Howard Mahony, said,

“I welcome the Minister’s announcement, as this initiative will assist Rush in enhancing the town and building on the town’s reputation as an attractive and vibrant place to live, work and visit and will be a great boost to the local community”.

Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly said “Fingal County Council plays a leading role in rural development through community and business supports and infrastructure development. The new Streetscape Enhancement Scheme for Rush is a welcome additional source of such support, and it will help the local community to enhance the attractiveness and vibrancy of one of our key towns”.

Chair of the Fingal County Council Strategic Policy Committee for Economic Development, Councillor Darragh Butler said: “This funding demonstrates Fingal County Council’s continuing efforts to ensure funding for local areas such as Rush during a time of economic uncertainty and cost of living challenges for many of the population. In a challenging time for businesses and communities, the Streetscape Enhancement Scheme is an example of the ongoing investment in Fingal through measures to support local enterprise and resilience among communities.”

Expressions of interest must be received by Fingal County Council on or before 12:00 noon on Friday the 14th of October 2022. Email the application form and supporting documents to eco%6e%64e%[email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected] or post your expression of interest form along with all supporting documentation to Local Development Section EETCD, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co Dublin, K67X8Y2. Alternatively, you can hand deliver the expression of interest forms to Rush Library.