
12 Jun 2019

Positive news for Fingal in IBAL results

There is good news for Fingal in the latest Irish Business against Litter (IBAL) results as Dublin Airport & Environs and Swords are featured in the top 20 in the list and both are deemed "Clean to European Norms".   Dublin Airport Environs achieved 15th place and Swords 18th place. Litter levels were assessed in 40 towns and cities across the country by An Taisce, who found 31 of them or 77% to be clean which was very positive news for tourism and local communities alike.

10 Jun 2019

Fingal Libraries prepares for Cruinniú na nÓg

Fingal Libraries is delighted to be taking part in Cruinniú na nÓg, the flagship initiative of Creative Ireland’s Youth Plan which aims to enable the potential of children and young people.

04 Jun 2019

Four artists embark on an exciting public art project bringing art and science together along Ireland’s East Coast

Fingal County Council’s Arts Office, gathered with colleagues in Dublin City, Wexford and The Arts Council on the Burrow Beach, Portrane beach last week to announce the four artists chosen for a unique public art project. 

These artists will, for the next few months, collaborate with biodiversity specialists along Ireland’s east coast, creating an artistic response to the influences of climate change and its effects on the biodiversity.