2023 Funding for conservation works and repairs in Fingal

Closing date Friday 27th January 2023

Conservation grants 2022

Fingal County Council is inviting applications under a number of schemes for repairs or conservation projects within the Fingal area - closing date FRIDAY 27th JANUARY 2023

Fingal County Council is now inviting applications under a number of schemes for works to be done in 2023 for small, medium or large-scale repairs or conservation projects to Protected Structures and in certain circumstances to buildings that enhance Architectural Conservation Areas within the Fingal area. 

In 2022 almost €295,000 in funding was allocated through Fingal County Council to Stitch in Time grants, structures under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme and projects under the Historic Structures Fund to assist the repair and safeguarding of the architectural heritage of Fingal.  For owners carrying out routine maintenance or small repairs to the historic fabric of their homes Fingal County Council’s own Stitch in Time scheme offers grants between €100 to €2,500.  For more substantial works funding is available through the Built Heritage Investment Scheme or the Historic Structures Fund.  The Historic Structures Fund also allows for specific applications for the conservation of a vernacular structure that is not a Protected Structure and for the refurbishment of a historic shopfront or traditional Irish Language shopfront. 

Funding is available for projects to take place in 2023 under the following schemes:

  • Architectural Heritage Fund’s “Stitch in Time Grant” 2023
  • Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2023
  • Historic Structures Fund 2023 (including sub-streams for Historic Shopfronts/Traditional Irish Language Shopfronts and for Vernacular Structures)

The Architectural Conservation Officer Helena Bergin highlights the benefit of these schemes in helping owners maintain their properties in good condition, The three current conservation grant schemes have been in operation for several years and demonstrate how appropriate architectural conservation and building repair is of benefit not just to individual property owners but also to the wider community as historic and older buildings in our towns and villages that are well maintained and kept in good condition contribute greatly to the appealing character of these places.”

The conservation funding schemes exist to aid owners with the appropriate detailing and correct methods to repair the historic materials used in older buildings such as lime, stone, hand-made brick, thatch, natural slate, and historic joinery as the use of modern rigid and non-breathable materials such as concrete and plastics can do more harm than good.



Further to the announcement on 30 November that applications can be submitted to Fingal County Council for funding in 2023 for conservation repairs a further €11, 217 is available that is specifically ring-fenced funding for the conservation of thatched structures.  This is in order to maximise the availability of financial assistance to owners of historic thatched buildings. Applications are to made through the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) [accessed through the following link https://www.fingal.ie/council/service/built-heritage-investment-scheme-bhis-grant]. 


Eligibility Requirements:

  • Thatched Structures that are Protected Structures
  • Thatched Structures that are proposed for addition to the Record of Protected Structures
  • Other historic thatched structures which are neither currently protected/nor proposed for protection


Eligible Works:

The funded works are not limited to repairs to the thatch itself (other works could include mud wall repair, lime render repairs or historic window repairs).  All eligible conservation works listed in the BHIS Circular will be eligible for funding under this stream. Although the mainstream BHIS generally requires private match funding of a minimum of 50% of the total project cost, the ring-fenced thatch stream will only require a minimum of 20% match funding. Unlike the mainstream BHIS, the match funding may include other grant funding.  It is of course still possible for applications for funding for historic thatched structures to be made under the mainstream BHIS and not solely through the ring-fenced funding as the 2023 allocation under this special stream is limited. 


CLOSING DATE: Applications should be submitted to Fingal County Council by 5PM FRIDAY 27TH JANUARY 2023.  Application forms for all three schemes are available on Fingal County Council website and completed applications should be sent to the Architectural Conservation Officer of Fingal County Council at [email protected]    A decision will issue to all applications following provisional approval of successful applications by the Department.  This decision is generally made by early to mid-March.

Please note that applicants cannot avail of funding under both the Historic Structures Fund and the Built Heritage Investment Scheme in the same year and can only be put forward under one of these schemes.

To apply see: