
15 Jun 2023

Recipients of Fingal County Council, Tyrone Guthrie Centre and Bealtaine Festival Residency Award 2023

Fingal Arts Office in partnership with the Tyrone Guthrie Centre and Age and Opportunity’s Bealtaine Festival are delighted to announce Colette Cullen and James English as the recipients of the Fingal County Council, Tyrone Guthrie Centre and Bealtaine Festival Residency Award.  This award aims to celebrate and support older artists at all stages of their careers working in literature and visual arts.

14 Jun 2023

Proposed DRAFT Fingal County Council Harbour Bye-Laws 2023

Fingal County Council, in exercise of the powers vested in it by the Local Government Act 2001 as extended by Section 89 of the HARBOURS ACT 1996 hereby gives notice that it proposes to adopt Fingal County Council Harbour Bye-Laws 2023.

14 Jun 2023

Fingal celebrates its 2023 Community Champions

Fingal County Council has honoured 24 individuals as Community Champions as part of this year’s Mayor’s Awards, acknowledging for the dedication and selfless acts they have undertaken to help to improve the everyday lives of the citizens of Fingal.

12 Jun 2023

Cllr Brendan Ryan co-opted to Fingal County Council

A new Labour councillor was officially co-opted onto Fingal County Council today, as Cllr Brendan Ryan filled the seat left vacant by the resignation of Seána Ó Rodaigh. Cllr Ryan will represent the Balbriggan Local Electoral Area.