A new Heritage Plan for Fingal 2024-2030, we want your views.

The Fingal Heritage Forum, facilitated by the Heritage Office, Fingal County Council has begun the process of preparing a new Heritage Plan for Fingal and would like to hear your views on what priorities or actions should be included in the new plan.

Heritage plan 2024-30 predraft

Complete the survey here

The Fingal Heritage Forum, facilitated by the Heritage Office, Fingal County Council has begun the process of preparing a new Heritage Plan for Fingal and would like to hear your views on what priorities or actions should be included in the new plan.

Our heritage is what we have inherited from the past, to value and enjoy in the present, and to preserve and pass on to future generations. It comprises:  the tangible - our historical sites, buildings, monuments, historic demesnes, artefacts and archives; the natural - our seascapes, waterways, landscapes, geology, flora and fauna; and the intangible – including our customs, sports, folklore, crafts, skills, and traditions.

The Fingal Heritage Plan looks at all types of heritage and how they interlink and connect and how we can best protect and access our heritage. The Plan sets out a vision and strategic objectives for our shared heritage. Sharing and celebrating our heritage in all its diversity promotes well-being and adds to a sense of belonging. Heritage in part of who we are. So have your say!

We want to know the aspects of Fingal’s Heritage that you value and want to see protected and celebrated. Information gathered during the pre-draft consultation process will contribute to the development of a new Heritage Plan for Fingal and will assist in prioritising areas for heritage action up to 2030.  

We are seeking your input in setting the priorities for Fingal’s Heritage Plan by completing the survey which can be found here  below on or before Friday 19 May 2023.

Complete the Survey Here https://forms.office.com/e/CbNvfewH1f

Download the Fingal Heritage Plan 2018 - 2023

See Fingal Heritage Plan 2024-2030 - Pre-Draft Consultation


Fingal Heritage Plan 2024-2030 Pre-Draft Consultation