
16 Mar 2021
Virtual Community Centre

Zoom talk with senior Paediatric Occupational Therapist with Kevin Prior(HSE)

Date: 16/03/2021
Activity Title: Zoom talk with senior Paediatric Occupational Therapist with HSE.Kevin Prior
Centre Name: ASTER Family Resource Centre
Description: Parent's Led Autism Network Balbriggan (PLAN) is inviting you to a Zoom talk on "FINE AND GROSS MOTOR DEVELOPMENT AND TOILETING INDEPENDENCE."
Facilitated by Kevin Prior, Senior Paediatric occupational therapist with HSE and Playfit.

08 Mar 2021
Homemade Parade

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a #HomemadeParade

We’re delighted to announce our St. Patrick's Day #HomemadeParade competition. This St. Patrick’s Day, why not bring the spirit of a parade into your home? Get all the family involved in building your #HomemadeParade, using objects from around the house such as toys, books, teddy bears etc.

03 Mar 2021
Virtual Community Centre

Wildflowers Masterclass

Date: 03/03/21

Activity Title: Wildflowers Masterclass

Description: This free Wildflowers Masterclass is sponsored by Fingal County Council and open to all residents in the Fingal area who would like to plant a wildflower area in their community. 

14 Jan 2021
Keep Active

Fit for Fun Magazine

Check out our fantastic Fit for Fun in Fingal magazine. Lots of great tips and ideas on how to stay active and healthy

04 Jan 2021

ANCA commences assessment of aircraft noise at Dublin Airport

An application to alter planning conditions associated with operating restrictions at Dublin Airport has been made by the airport authority to Fingal County Council’s Planning Department. In fulfilling its statutory remit, ANCA is now commencing an assessment of the noise situation at Dublin Airport. 


Wonderfully Weathery Books

Wonderfully Weathery Books is an Irish owned business which was set up to publish a series of children’s picture books about a land called Weatherville - Where the weather lives!
The aim of these books is to teach children about the weather and how it works!


Golden Key Publishing

We are a family-run publisher based in Skerries. We produce schoolbooks and a children's book called "Gringer the Whinger".