
08 Oct 2021
Active Travel

Road Safety - Check your Tyres

Tyres displaying signs of deterioration should be removed and not used on the road. This Irish Road Safety Week, check your tyre tread depth to save lives.

06 Oct 2021

First installation of ubitricity EV lamp post charge points in Dublin

Fingal County Council and ubitricity, a member of the Shell Group, have partnered to test new EV charging options for motorists in Fingal. As part of the joint pilot scheme, ubitricity has recently retrofitted two lamp posts in Malahide village with its EV chargers that are stored inside the post. Fingal County Council will cover the costs of using the chargers during the initial trial, later moving to pay-per-use model.

05 Oct 2021

International mental health movement brought to Balbriggan

The country’s longest standing mental health charity invited key community stakeholders to a Think Tank at Balbriggan Library last week to introduce the international mental health movement ‘Thrive’ to the town. The Mayor of Fingal Seána Ó’ Rodaigh and CE of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly joined the engagement event on Tuesday, 28th September in the Hamilton Hall of the Library to discuss how the movement can create a happy and healthy community for the people of Balbriggan.

04 Oct 2021

Brake for Road Safety Week in Fingal

Irish Road Safety Week is an initiative of the Road Safety Authority (RSA). Fingal County Council’s Road Safety Officer and Active Travel team are joining forces with the RSA to assist them in promoting important messages throughout the week.

01 Oct 2021

Keen To Be Green Launch Event – September 30 2021

The launch of Fingal’s Keen To Be Green Facilities Project took place at the Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport yesterday. Many representatives from the participating community facilities were present as part of the Fingal Community Facilities Network.  Fingal’s ‘Keen To Be Green’ Project is a collaboration between Fingal County Council’s Community Development Office and Environment Department and the Fingal Community Facilities Network.

29 Sep 2021

Social Enterprise Capital Grants Scheme 2021

If your organisation is a social enterprise, it may qualify for funding under the Social Enterprise Capital Grants Scheme 2021. A social enterprise is defined below under the National Social Enterprise Policy.